Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Reader cup win!

Congrats to the Year 8 students in the wide bay finals for the readers cup!
We are all very proud of our students. They now represent the region at the state finals in Brisbane.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Student and Parent Survey on Technology

Please complete the following survey:

The School's ICT Committee meet regularly to discuss ICT directions in education.
Topics of discussion include: ipads in education, school apps, wireless access for students, cyber safety for students, and more....

Great discussions...exciting times to be a student and to be an educator!

Athletics Carnival and Starting New Work

The exams are finished. The assignments are completed.
What is left this semester? Well......

This week there is:
Year 7 - Go Kart Race, new units are starting and the laptop trial continues.
Year 8 - Maths Unit on house design continues, as well as the Athletics Carnival
Year 9 - new science unit on Ecosystems, and Athletics for you too!

The Readers Cup is also on this week. Good luck to the middle school students involved in this program!
Year 6/7 teams and Year 8/9 teams are entered. Thanks Mrs Hill.

All Middle School students now have google docs and gmail access.
try it before the holidays - mail.slasmail.com - use your school login and password.